
Email account configuration (3)

Most domains will also be used for mailing services. Here you will learn how to configure these services from cPanel or Plesk.

Add new domains (2)

Here you will learn how to add additional domains on your hosting service.

Support (1)

How to contact our support team.

Backup / Restore (3)

How to generate / restore a "Full Website Backup"

SSL certificates (HTTPS) (4)

Information related to SSL encryption.

Email client configuration (15)

Here you will find useful information related to email clients configuration

Client account (3)

How to upgrade or downgrade a service.

cPanel (4)

Here you will find information related to cPanel features.

cPanel - Softaculous (4)

Instalare, backup, clonare CMS cu Softaculous

Domains (6)

Useful information related to different domain extensions.

Google Workspace (1)

Google Workspace - Soluția de email și colaborare de la Google

Website migration (1)

Frequently issues that you might encounter while you are migrating your website.

Payments and invoices (2)

Articles related to billing.

Security (6)

Frequently encountered issues related to website security.

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